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Thursday, April 13, 2023

Special Brief Amendment Program of Photographic Electoral Roll.

Special Brief Amendment Program of Photographic Electoral Roll

Survey Collector and District Election Officer,

Subject: Special Brief Amendment Program of Photographic Electoral Roll in respect of qualification date dated 01.04.2023- Matter of change in program and holding of special campaign days.

Returning to the above subject, it is to be stated that vide the same letter dated 21.03.2023, a special brief correction program of the voter list with photographs was sent with reference to the date of qualification dated 01.04.2023. The following program has been approved by the Election Commission of India in which changes are suggested.

તલાટી પરીક્ષા માટે Confirmation Number ઓપ્શન ઓપન થઈ ગયેલ છે નીચે આપેલ સીધી લિંક દ્વારા

🟣 તલાટી ની પરીક્ષા આપવા માંગતા ઉમેદવારો ઉપરોક્ત વેબસાઈટ પર જઈ પોતા નો Confirmation Number તેમજ જન્મ તારીખ નાખી પરીક્ષા આપવા ની સંમતી પોતા ના ફોન મા આપી શકાશે

🟣 જેમણે ફોર્મ ભરેલ છે અને પરીક્ષા ન આપવી હોય તેમના માટે જરૂર નહીં

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તલાટી મંત્રી પરીક્ષા કન્ફર્મેશન કરો અહીં

*✍️તલાટીની પરીક્ષા માટે ઉમેદવારોને સંમતિપત્ર અંગે માર્ગદર્શન🙏*

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Program Schedule As per revised programme order previous period Duration Activity Publicity of Draft Consolidated Electoral Roll

1. |⟨Publication of Integrated draft electoral roll) to present claims and objection petitions

2. | Period (Period for filing claims & objections)

Special campaign dates Disposal of claims and objection petitions 4.objections)

i) Obtaining permission from the Election Commission of the health parameters of the electoral roll.

For verification and final publication

(Checking of health parameters and obtaining. Commission's permission for final publication) i) Updating the data-base and generating supplementary lists

5.database and printing of supplements)

Final publication of electoral roll

Thus, Election Commission of India has approved 16/04/2023 (Sunday) and 23/04/2023 (Sunday) as special campaign days under the program of special brief reform of voter chadi in all assembly constituencies included in the state. .

1. On these special campaign days the following operations shall be carried out by the Designated Officer from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm at the polling station.

Rs. A special arrangement has to be made for accepting claims and objections in presence. displaying appropriate banners relating to the program at each such location;

3.Acceptance of forms by designated officer on special campaign day, verification of voter details from draft, verification of draft in collaboration with BLA, follow-up action to detect defects and report to ERO/AERO through supervisor at the end of each special campaign day in the send On this day by the supervisor making continuous visits to each location under his jurisdiction

To provide necessary supervision and guidance and report to ERO/AERO of each part same day evening to present

The District Election Officer, Voter Registration Officer and Assistant Voter Registration Officer will have to visit the designated locations randomly. The details of the forms received on the special campaign day are to be sent here. 6.

Therefore, detailed instructions regarding the above mentioned program changes and to be observed on special campaign days are requested to be sent to all the contact persons including Voter Registration Officers, Assistant Voter Registration Officers, Booth Level Officers/Supervisors of all Assembly constituencies in your district.

Yours faithfully,

(Nitin Acharya)

Office of the Deputy Secretary Chief Electoral Officer

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